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November 2, 2020
Learn These Digital Marketing Hotel Business Tips from Experts
November 16, 2020Want to establish a consistent online presence on the web? Do you want to know when you’re likely to get results from your content publication? Learn some digital marketing tips about content marketing now! Our experts reveal a comprehensive strategy to revamp your content.
Digital Marketing 101: How Often You Should Publish to Establish Consistent Online Presence?
While there’s no exact magical number in content digital marketing, the experts will give you an estimate or guideline in blogging frequency. According to HubSpot's study, it shows that most successful B2B companies publish at least 16 blog posts per month. They usually receive 3-5 times traffic than those who don’t.

This gives you a rough idea to publish articles at least 4 times a week. However, quantity isn’t the only thing you should worry about when it comes to content digital marketing. Another study on Hubspot shows 75% of their blog views and 90% of leads came from older posts. So it's important to post relevant content that sticks to your customers.
The 401 Magic Number
Now that you know the ideal number to post a blog every week, the next step is doing it consistently. Consistency is key when it comes to content digital marketing. You cannot expect your traffic to surge and receive thousands of leads overnight. The experts recommend you must publish at least 4 high-quality articles every week diligently for the next six months and a half.
Why six months and a half? It’s because, by that time, you should publish your 401st blog post then. HubSpot reveals most companies that publish their 401st blog post experience a significant spike in their traffic. Google will start recognizing your blog as it crawls more relevant content from your website. You’ll also establish your brand as an influencer or dominate your industry.
On Social Media Posting
Aside from posting blogs and articles on your website, you should also consider social media in your digital marketing strategy. Whereas you can post as much as you want in a blog, it’s a different story when it comes to social media. You need to strike a balance between being informative and not spammy to your followers. Here are the following guidelines in every platform:
According to studies, the sweet spot to post content on Facebook is at least 1-2 times per day. You can increase your post to three times a day during weekends. Any more than that and you’re bound to get negative results.
Why? It’s because people don’t want to get flooded with content on their newsfeed. Follow these recommended times on when to post or schedule your content too. Post at 3 pm if you want to get the most shares, between 9 am to 7 pm for most clicks.
Twitter, on the other hand, has a different content digital marketing algorithm. Since it has character limitations, you can get away with many tweets per day. The recommended number of tweets to make is around 4-15. This is for international companies to cater to multiple timezones.
For local companies, you can tweet four times a day. Meanwhile, the recommended time to tweet is around lunchtime, as most users are active. However, we recommend you divide your tweets between noon and night since your tweets might get pushed down during the former. It’s because the competition to tweet at lunchtime is tight too.
LinkedIn is a great content digital marketing tool for B2B companies. According to studies, you need to post an average of 20 per month for your firm to get noticed. It’s also recommended you post during lunchtime, where more business professionals browse the site while on the break. Posting between 5-6 pm is also great since we’re now winding down after a long day.
Contact our professional marketing experts to revamp your content digital marketing campaigns now!